European Commission

Culture Moves Europe: Individual Mobility Action 2

Rue de la loi 200
1040 Brüssel

50.8431406, 4.383206

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Culture Moves Europe’s second call for individual mobility targets artists and cultural professionals working in the following sectors: music, literature, architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, visual arts and performing arts.

The Individual Mobility Action supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative Europe country. The call is open to individuals and groups of up to 5 people, who wish to implement projects lasting between 7 to 60 days for individuals and 7 to 21 days for the groups. The grant contributes to travel and subsistence costs, and offers additional top-ups based on grantees’ individual situation.

Culture Moves Europe provides mobility grants for artists and cultural professionals in all 40 creative Europe countries. It covers the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literary translation, music, performing arts and visual arts. The scheme follows the successful i-Portunus pilot project that took place between 2018 and 2022.  

With a budget of €21 million, Culture Moves Europe offers mobility grants to around 7,000 artists, cultural professionals and host organisations from 2022 to 2025. Funded by the creative Europe programme of the European Union, Culture Moves Europe is implemented by the Goethe-Institut.

What projects are supported?

Artists and cultural professionals can apply with a proposal to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in a Creative Europe country which is not their country of residence.

The project should pursue two of the following goals:

  • to explore: to conduct creative and artistic research, to investigate, inspire and work on a specific theme or a new concept
  • to create: to engage in a creative process seeking to produce a new piece of artistic/cultural work
  • to learn: to enhance the participants’ competences and skills through non-formal learning or collaboration with a specialist
  • to connect: to develop a professional network, to strengthen the participants’ professional development, to engage with new audiencess

The partner can be, for example, a fellow artist, an organisation or a venue in the country of destination. Applicants must provide proof of collaboration in the application process. 
It is possible to apply either as an individual or as a group of up to five people.

The projects can last:

  • from 7 to 60 days for individuals
  • from 7 to 21 days for groups

The project duration corresponds to the number of days spent in the destination country to implement the project. The travel time is not taken into account for the grant calculation.

Please note that it is only possible to travel to one single destination and that the mobility cannot be interrupted. For group projects, all group members must be at the place of destination for the whole period project implementation.

Important: Culture Moves Europe mobility grant cannot be used to merely present previously created work. Projects that simply propose, for example, an exhibition or performance of a previously created work will not be considered. Culture Moves Europe, and these grants, exist to encourage creation, exchanges, connections, and fruitful learnings across borders.

What does the grant offer?

The grant is composed of a travel allowance, a daily allowance and individual top-ups. The grant calculations are made specifically for each grantee, based on their project and personal situation.

Daily allowance

€75 per person per day. It is a contribution to accommodation, food, renting equipment, local transport, etc.

Travel allowance

Travel distance under 5 000 km: €350 per person for round-trip.

Travel distance above 5.000 km: €700 per person for round-trip.

For short distances of under 600 km, travelling by airplane is only allowed in exceptional and well justified cases:

  • for persons with disabilities
  • for travelling from or to an island with no ferry connections
  • due to force majeure or grave personal circumstances


Green top-up

€350 per person for choosing not to travel by airplane (round-trip). Only applicable for distances of 600 km and more.

Overseas Countries and Territories or Outermost Regions top-up

€150 per person for travelling from or to Overseas Countries and Territories or Outermost Regions.

Visa top-up

€80 per person for expenses related to visa processes.

Family top-up

€100 per person for persons with children below the age of 10. The amount is fixed, regardless of the number of children.

Disability support

Up to 100% of travel and daily allowance per person. For people whose disabilities affect their ability to carry out the mobility project. Budget to be agreed with the Culture Moves Europe team according to individual needs.

The top-ups can be added cumulatively: one person can receive several top-ups at the same time. Justification and proof for the required top-ups will be asked.

What are the selection criteria?

The application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • What is the applicant(s) goal and why is the mobility relevant?
  • Is the project adequately planned (with the international partner, duration, etc.)?
  • What will be the long-term positive impacts of the project?
  • Are sustainability aspects taken into account (e.g., means of transportation, materials used, etc.)?


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